Monday, February 28, 2011

 This movie is an interesting journey through the galaxy; it really feel like an unknown dimension, due to the graphics, the characters and the topic. The story is not so crazy like it seemed, because it is like regular life, just a bit fancier than our life, not every day you find out that your best friend  comes from another planet, no matter how weird he acts. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that this film has the right balance between comedy and reality, because it combines polemic topics with a fantastic humor.

Its characters are the perfect personification of the human beings, all of them are like  people  we know, even the president of the galaxy reminds me a few presidents that we have had, sometimes articulated and other times a complete blockhead. The similarity with the real word is no so distance, who has not had a crazy friend who is always dreaming about escape to a remote place, or the friend that is not very good with women and always choose work over fun and the classic “depressed friend”, that one that even in the happiest party is thinking in the most awful thing. Throughout the movie this resemblance is always present.

 Although this is a science fiction comedy, the fiction is pushed aside for the similarity to real life, which is not only related to the characters, it is also related to the human beings’ behavior, the ambition of always get everything for them, forgetting their values and hurting people just to get what they want. It also reflects the human beings’ thought, which consists in give a huge importance to money and fight for the world’s control, but in the movie they fought for the galaxy.

This film gives you a lot of things to think about; the first one is the ultimate question of our life, because in the movie we can see what they do just for one answer, that at the end it is just the number 42, all their effort gets reduced to this number. That scene makes you think about your life, your priorities and your ultimate question, what is the probability that you ever get to know its answer. I do not know much about probabilities, but I do not care about it, because I do not live according to probabilities, just like Arthur and Ford, the probability that they were picked up in that coordinate was 2 billion to 1, and they just had to wait around 3 seconds to be picked up and safe.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy is a very useful book, we should have one of this in our pocket, so when we have doubts about something and we have already started to think in probabilities, this book will come out to the rescue and the purpose of our life will be intact.

All of us have something of this movie in our inside; we just have to look for it in the immensity of the galaxy.

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