Sunday, March 6, 2011

I have a lot of plans for my future, but mostly I am going to make sure of my family’s wellness, if they are fine I will be fine. I am going to take care of my grandmother and my mother, I am going to make them happy.

I am going to be a strong and independent woman; in my professional life I have several objectives that I am going to achieve. First, I am going to be an excellent English teacher, I am going to make my specialization in London and I am going to keep studying hard to improve constantly my knowledge. I am going to work in the University of Tolima or another University in Bogota, Medellin or Ibague.
Once that I am working, with my first salary I am going to buy them beautiful things, and I am going to safe to buy them a gorgeous one floor house, because my grandmother can not be going up and down the stairs.

I am going to travel around the world, Great Britain, Greece, France, Italy, Fiji, Hawaii, New York and much more. I am going to conquer my fears, especially my fear of the height, if I am going to fly all over the world I must overcome this fear and that way there won’t be any boundary for me.

I am going to live this journey with my husband, because in my personal life I have also many plans, I am going to marry and have a family, but before this, I am going to enjoy a lot with my life’s partner. After my scape through the world, I am going to settle down and have kids, we are going to live in a beautiful country house with a huge pool and a lot of trees, I also going to have two dogs, a beagle and a siberian wolf.

I always dream about it and I know that this is going to be real one day, that is why I am working so hard for it. I have a lot of plans for my future, but my permanent plan is always be happy and appreciate every second of my life. 

"Persist, insist, resist but never desist" CHE 

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