Sunday, February 27, 2011

When you hear the words “job interview” your nervous system colaps, your knees start to shaking and your brain gets confused. Not everyone reacts in the same way, there are people that have a good control of themselves, but if you belong to the group of the anxious, this migth be helpful for you. 

Today “saint google”  is considered the solution to any kind of problem, there migth be something rigth in this, because google gives you a lot of pages about job interviews, tips, you can even rehearse your own interview. My advice for you, if you have constant access to a computer with internet, is that close facebook for a while and start to practice for your next job interview.

If the first tip doesn’t work for you, you could always remember stay calm, be confident and don’t let your fears been an obstacle in your goal’s way. This could be useful to give a first good impresion, because nothing reflects more confidence than a good voice, impeccable presentation, and a fluent speech. Always keep in mind something that makes you feel calm but that at the same time don’t interrupt you during your speech.

The nigth before it, you must go early to bed, so that way you can sleep well and the morning after be relaxed and without dark circles around your eyes. You should also have breakfast, this way you will  avoid that during the interview your stomach speaks for you. You could eat something soft, neither too much nor  a tiny bit, the regular breakfast, just enough to have a really good energy to get the job.

The personal presentation is very important too, because it is the first thing that your future boss will know about you. Take a shower and brush your teeth, talk to someone with a cool breath is pleasant. The clothes are very important too, wear something proper for the interview, a nice suit, nothing fancy, and a good pair of shiny shoes. Always be preventive, choose two changes of clothes, one for a sunny day and the other one for a wet day, if the big day is a wet one don’t forget your umbrella, it will keep you dry and professional. 

The most important thing in a job interview is your speech, anything talks about you like yourself. Remember be fluent, use a rigth voice and keep in mind courtesy, you are not hired yet, you could use  Mr. and Mrs when it be necessary. Do not try to act like someone else, be yourself and blow them away with your interview.

These are some pieces  of advice for someone looking for job, before the job is the job interview.

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