Monday, February 28, 2011

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 This movie is an interesting journey through the galaxy; it really feel like an unknown dimension, due to the graphics, the characters and the topic. The story is not so crazy like it seemed, because it is like regular life, just a bit fancier than our life, not every day you find out that your best friend  comes from another planet, no matter how weird he acts. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that this film has the right balance between comedy and reality, because it combines polemic topics with a fantastic humor.

Its characters are the perfect personification of the human beings, all of them are like  people  we know, even the president of the galaxy reminds me a few presidents that we have had, sometimes articulated and other times a complete blockhead. The similarity with the real word is no so distance, who has not had a crazy friend who is always dreaming about escape to a remote place, or the friend that is not very good with women and always choose work over fun and the classic “depressed friend”, that one that even in the happiest party is thinking in the most awful thing. Throughout the movie this resemblance is always present.

 Although this is a science fiction comedy, the fiction is pushed aside for the similarity to real life, which is not only related to the characters, it is also related to the human beings’ behavior, the ambition of always get everything for them, forgetting their values and hurting people just to get what they want. It also reflects the human beings’ thought, which consists in give a huge importance to money and fight for the world’s control, but in the movie they fought for the galaxy.

This film gives you a lot of things to think about; the first one is the ultimate question of our life, because in the movie we can see what they do just for one answer, that at the end it is just the number 42, all their effort gets reduced to this number. That scene makes you think about your life, your priorities and your ultimate question, what is the probability that you ever get to know its answer. I do not know much about probabilities, but I do not care about it, because I do not live according to probabilities, just like Arthur and Ford, the probability that they were picked up in that coordinate was 2 billion to 1, and they just had to wait around 3 seconds to be picked up and safe.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy is a very useful book, we should have one of this in our pocket, so when we have doubts about something and we have already started to think in probabilities, this book will come out to the rescue and the purpose of our life will be intact.

All of us have something of this movie in our inside; we just have to look for it in the immensity of the galaxy.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

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When you hear the words “job interview” your nervous system colaps, your knees start to shaking and your brain gets confused. Not everyone reacts in the same way, there are people that have a good control of themselves, but if you belong to the group of the anxious, this migth be helpful for you. 

Today “saint google”  is considered the solution to any kind of problem, there migth be something rigth in this, because google gives you a lot of pages about job interviews, tips, you can even rehearse your own interview. My advice for you, if you have constant access to a computer with internet, is that close facebook for a while and start to practice for your next job interview.

If the first tip doesn’t work for you, you could always remember stay calm, be confident and don’t let your fears been an obstacle in your goal’s way. This could be useful to give a first good impresion, because nothing reflects more confidence than a good voice, impeccable presentation, and a fluent speech. Always keep in mind something that makes you feel calm but that at the same time don’t interrupt you during your speech.

The nigth before it, you must go early to bed, so that way you can sleep well and the morning after be relaxed and without dark circles around your eyes. You should also have breakfast, this way you will  avoid that during the interview your stomach speaks for you. You could eat something soft, neither too much nor  a tiny bit, the regular breakfast, just enough to have a really good energy to get the job.

The personal presentation is very important too, because it is the first thing that your future boss will know about you. Take a shower and brush your teeth, talk to someone with a cool breath is pleasant. The clothes are very important too, wear something proper for the interview, a nice suit, nothing fancy, and a good pair of shiny shoes. Always be preventive, choose two changes of clothes, one for a sunny day and the other one for a wet day, if the big day is a wet one don’t forget your umbrella, it will keep you dry and professional. 

The most important thing in a job interview is your speech, anything talks about you like yourself. Remember be fluent, use a rigth voice and keep in mind courtesy, you are not hired yet, you could use  Mr. and Mrs when it be necessary. Do not try to act like someone else, be yourself and blow them away with your interview.

These are some pieces  of advice for someone looking for job, before the job is the job interview.

The one and only: Aleja's Card

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                                                 NOT FOR SALE!!!

Once upon a time Aleja borned

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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My early years 
I was born in the Rosario Clinic in Ibague, Tolima. My parents are Maria Leolinde Guayara Herrera and Pablo Clavijo. In my early years I began the school at the age of two. First I studied at the Liceo Maria Jose for a year, then I was for another year at the Liceo Colombia, finally I made two years at the Jardin Infantil Nacional.
After my early studies I started first grade at the Anexa Femenina, there I made 1st. grade and  2nd grade. In 2001 I signed in the Liceo Nacional for the 3rd grade, there I made 4th and 5th grade. 

My high school
I studied my whole high school at the Liceo Nacional, since 2004 until 2007 I studied the usual curriculum; during this years I found out my love for the environment, the politic’s redaction and for English, in 2007 I won an award to the best essay in the high school, I also began my revolutionary phase. In 10th grade and 11th grade I studied the best emphasis of the institution: Discourse Management with emphasis in English.
I spent the most incredible two years ever. I met a lot of kind and cool people, I made many frienships and I had fun. In 10th grade I fell in love with philosophy, since that year I have liked to read about it. In that year I also met an amazing friend named Kathe. In my last year of high school I had a wonderful year, because I made of every day a party and I met my boyfriend. This year was my rebellious year. Yeah!
I graduated from high school in december 2nd 2009, it was a gorgeous ceremony and the most important people for me were there. This same year I made up my mind about my career, but I have to wait six months to signed in.

I started my B.A in English at the University of Tolima in the second semester of 2010. Now I am in the second semester of my B.A and I am really happy for being here studying what I like. I live with my grandmother and my uncles in a beautiful house, and  I am doing my best effort to be an excellent English teacher.
I am very excited about my future in this career, and I will keep learning about what I like most: English.

The dogs are barking for a home

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 How many times have you seen a puppy in the street? Well, there are more than 2000 dogs waiting for being adopted. 

Instead of buy and expensive puppy you could adopt a homeless dog. It is going to be as good as if you would buy it, the difference is that you are giving a home to a dog that would not have the same opportunities as an expensive one.

The dog’s adoption process is very simple: you just need going to a pet’s shelter, there you sign a commiment where you compromise to take care of the dog by loving it, feeding it, taking it to the vet, playing with it, giving it a comfortable bed and specially by never abandon it in the street. They are not asking for much , they just need someone who take care of them.

 Every day more people are adopting dogs, they are making room for a canine friend, changing it life just with love. This happened to Dick, it was adopted and now it is living a great life, it is eating and it is bein loved for an amazing family.

You could change a dog’s life too, look outside of your window, there might be a homeless dog waiting for you.