Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This book is very interesting, because here whe can see a good Sherlock and a very clever detective. The story begins with a young boy named McFarlane, John, he enters very scared and excited to Sherlock's house, he askes him for help because he's in troubles with the police, he's being acused for the murder of Mr. Oldacre, an old builder.

Due to the young man's fear, Sherlock wants to know more about it, so he askes him the whole story. John is a lawyer and one day and old man came to his office saying that he wanted to leave him all his fortune, because he was his son. With this notice the young lawyer was very surprised and he didn't believe it. Mr. Oldacre was the oldman that day, he made all the paperwork to leave his will to his son John. That same night he went to Oldacre´s house to sign more papers, and he left there at 9:30 p.m, it was late to catch a train so he stayed in a hotel near there. The next morning he saw in the newspaper the article about Oldacre and his dead.

Then, the police catched McFarlane and it's here when Sherlock starts to investigate the facts. First he goes to Oldacre's house, there he took a good look of everything and talks with Mr. Oldacre's housekeeper, Mrs Lexington, but she says nothing about the night before it, she looked nervous and didn't look Sherlock to his eyes, she kept her eyes on the floor. This seemed suspect for him, but he didn't insist because all that she said was that she let in McFarlane that night, and that he was the killer of Oldacre.
Afterwards Sherlock goes tosee inspector Lestrade who's very sure about his prisioner, in fact, the whole Scotland Yard agrees with Lestrade. Sherlock is not happy with this, he wants to know more, so he goes to McFarlane´s house and talks with his mother, a beatiful and kind woman. She tells him everything about the dark past with McFarlane and she denies that he was the father of her son John. Many years ago Oldacre asked her to marry him, but she said no and a few months later she got married with John's father, that same day she received her picture slashed with a knife from Oldacre. He was a bad man, a terrible man.
He came back to Oldacre's house and asked Dr. Watson to accompany him through the house, watching every floor of it and every room. He went up to the top floor with a bag of dry grass, there he bunt the bag and asked to his partners to scream: Fire¡¡ Fire¡¡ lauder and lauder. As son as they started to scream "Fire¡¡" a small door opened and an old, small and ugly man came out and the police screamed "Oldacre¡¡". Mr Oldacre was hidden in a small room inside the wall and when he found out that there was not fire he started to say that it was a joke. The true story was that Oldacre didn't have a lot of money as he said, and he wanted to disappear with Mrs Lexington and acused him of his murder, so that anyone could find him. 

This was THE NORWOOD MISTERY, a false murder and a very clever oldman, who was caugth by a false fire.

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