Sunday, March 6, 2011

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  Colombia has two seasons: dry (summer) and wet (winter). This seasons vary in different parts of the country, due to the altitude, it creates various climatic zones from hot lowlands to freezing Andean peaks. In Colombia you can experience completely different weathers with a couple of hours of travel. The altitude also affects the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures. Higher         the altitude, greater the difference. Consequently, in the highlands there can be warm days but freezing nights, while in the lowlands days and nights are almost equally hot.                                                                                                                        

My favourite weather is the temperate cold weather, because is neither hot nor cold, is it in the middle. I do not like too much hot because it is maddening, when you go out during the day it is uncomfortable, you get exposed to the sun and it is bad for the skin; and the nights are very hot too and you can barely sleep, due to the heated air and the moquitos. On the other hand, you get bored of too much rain, because you can not go out, everything is wet and your clothes never get dry, although the wet nigths are great, because you sleep better and relaxed with the sound of rain. That is why a temperate weather it is perfect, you do not tan that much and the earth gets cool once in a while.

However, I could live in a wet weather, if I have a washing machine and a dryer machine for my clothes. The nights would be peaceful and for the day I could buy an unmbrella, the other advantage is that I could wear boots all the time, and I would not have to wear dresses or skirts, that would be awesome. Thinking about it, I like a wet weather as well as a temperate cold weather, as long as the sun does not come out often; a sunny day can be fun, but just occasionally.


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I have a lot of plans for my future, but mostly I am going to make sure of my family’s wellness, if they are fine I will be fine. I am going to take care of my grandmother and my mother, I am going to make them happy.

I am going to be a strong and independent woman; in my professional life I have several objectives that I am going to achieve. First, I am going to be an excellent English teacher, I am going to make my specialization in London and I am going to keep studying hard to improve constantly my knowledge. I am going to work in the University of Tolima or another University in Bogota, Medellin or Ibague.
Once that I am working, with my first salary I am going to buy them beautiful things, and I am going to safe to buy them a gorgeous one floor house, because my grandmother can not be going up and down the stairs.

I am going to travel around the world, Great Britain, Greece, France, Italy, Fiji, Hawaii, New York and much more. I am going to conquer my fears, especially my fear of the height, if I am going to fly all over the world I must overcome this fear and that way there won’t be any boundary for me.

I am going to live this journey with my husband, because in my personal life I have also many plans, I am going to marry and have a family, but before this, I am going to enjoy a lot with my life’s partner. After my scape through the world, I am going to settle down and have kids, we are going to live in a beautiful country house with a huge pool and a lot of trees, I also going to have two dogs, a beagle and a siberian wolf.

I always dream about it and I know that this is going to be real one day, that is why I am working so hard for it. I have a lot of plans for my future, but my permanent plan is always be happy and appreciate every second of my life. 

"Persist, insist, resist but never desist" CHE